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How to prevent Hair loss? How to prevent hair loss of men? How to prevent hair loss of women ? Main Reasons of hair loss, Diets for hair, Yoga for hair


How to prevent Hair loss?

How to prevent hair loss in men?

How to prevent hair loss in women?

Now a day hair falling is one of the most common diseases in everywhere the world. No one is safe from hair-related disease. From childhood to old age person, 90% of human beings is suffering from hair problems like hair disorders,  Androgenetic Alopecia, hair fall, Hair ripe, Alopecia Areata, Pattern Hair Loss, etc.

Normal hair fall: In the case of an adult person 70 to 130 numbers hair fall per day is the norm. If more than 100 no’s hair fall per day then you are suffering from hair disease.

Main Reasons for hair loss

1.       Genetic predisposition- If there have genetic hair loss of any one's parents then it also may cause of child's hair loss. Not only for external reasons but also because of genes, many hair anatomies are dry by birth. Moreover, in many cases, the hair structure may be thicker and thinner somewhere due to genetic reasons. 

2.       Hormonal Reasons- Hormonal imbalances can lead to hair thinning or hair fall. Male hormone such as testosterone has always been associated with hair loss.

3.       Unessential Medications- Medications are designed to treat various diseases, but overdoses of drugs may lead to hair loss. So, we must intake drugs through proper consultation with the doctor. We should not intake medicine in every moment of our body's illness. We should not take the same drugs for a long time, it may cause hair loss.

4.       Unhealthy Lifestyle- Unhealthy lifestyle is one of the most common causes of hair loss. If we use water containing arsenic for drinking as well as in bathing for a long time it will affect badly our health and hair. Arsenic is highly toxic in its inorganic form in underground water. People living in industrial areas are suffering from health and hair diseases also. Various toxic gases like Sulfur oxides, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides are emitted continuously from industrial Machinery and vehicles.  

5.       Daily stress – Regular mental stress is a major cause of hair loss. So, every single person should entertain in his life.

6.       Nutritional Deficiency - Among all the above reasons nutritional deficiency is the major cause of hair loss. To fulfill all nutrients in our body we must intake balanced diets. A balanced diet must have all types of nutrition like Vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, Fats, minerals, and proper water.

      Very important and simple tips to save your hair from hair diseases –    

1.       Bathing: To save your health and hair you must bathe regularly and must shampoo your hair a minimum of three to four days a week.

2.       Balance Dietsyour food must have sufficient nutrients. So, we all must intake foods having a sufficient amount of vitamins A, B-COMPLEX, E, D, Iron, zinc, etc. We should take green vegetables, and fruits regularly in our diets to form antioxidants in our bodies which repair our cells.

3.       Sleep: To improve your fair quality, you should sleep an average of 7-8 hours per day. Sleeplessness and late-night sleep are major issues in every individual person which cause hair loss. So, everyone should maintain proper sleep in their life which will save them from disease.

4.       Henna OR MehndiHenna is obviously one of the most popular home remedies. Henna has been traditionally used to keep hair black and smooth since ancient times. Henna is not only useful in the natural blacking of hair but also used for shining and strengthening hair, it cleaned the base of the hair and conditioning the hair properly. 

5.       Hair Oil: An all-time component of hair health. Regular massage of coconut oil at the base of the hair and hair will reduce roughness overnight. Coconut oil is also very good for keeping your hair bright, soft, and untangled. If you do it one day a week, you will see the results in front of your eyes.

6.       Yoga ( Sirsashana ): This seat is called the  Sirsasana as the body is positioned on the head with all the body load on top of the head while the seat.

    First, bend your legs and kneel down. Now place the palms of both the elbows on the ground like triangles and hold the fingers of both hands firmly between each other and place the brahmatalu of the head on the ground near the knees between the hands. Now raise your waist with folded knees to breathe with your head and elbows. Now keep your legs in pairs and straighten slowly and breathe. In this case, the feet, back,  neck, and head will be vertically in straight from the ground. The whole body weight will fall on the Brahmotalu of the head and the body will keep balance on the elbows of the hands. Keep breathing normal and stay in a state of 10 sec to 30 sec.




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