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What is DIP Diet? DIP Diet by Dr Biswaroop Roy Choudhury. DIP diet by Dr. BRC .

What is DIP Diet? DIP Diet by Dr. Biswaroop Roy Choudhury.

The DIP diet is a healthy diet in the world  DIP Diet means  "Disciplined and  Intelligent Person`s Diet"

     Full form of the DIP Diet is the "Disciplined and  Intelligent Person`s Diet" 
    Dear friends, and parents,  as per Dr. Biswaroop Roy Choudhury our food is the only medicine to kill us or live us.
    A person who has discipline, and punctuality along with intelligence in his daily work can follow this DIP diet easily. And the diet mentioned by Dr. Choudhury is also very very healthy, nutritious, and natural plant foods. DIP diet is nothing but a new life doner diet if you can follow it perfectly for a long time.
    Please keep patiently reading this article. By following this DIP diet anybody can cure any critical disease like diabetes, blood pressure, Anemia, skin disease, blindness, Cholesterol, indigestion, and cancer also. Now a day in our new generation we have seen that they focus only on ready-made food, packed food, animal food, and oily food.
    So, as per Dr. BRC, those who are interested in fast food, oily food, animal food, ready-made food, and packed food must suffer from various critical diseases in the future. We don't forget to take tests of every food without justifying whether it is good or bad for our bodies.

Why should take DIP diets?

v  DIP diet provide us more healthy nutrition than the general diets.

v  DIP diets  create a healthy metabolism work system in our body.

v  DIP diets are readily available in nature.

v  DIP diets can easily produce at home by own cultivation.

v   Cost of DIP Diets is minimum .

v  DIP diets  can products organically .

v  Regular longtime taking of DIP diet reduce all disease of our body.

v  Also DIP diets helps to safe animals in nature indirectly. Because, if don’t take animal`s food then all animals are safe in nature.

v  Finally DIP diets reduce our medicine cost expenditure.

 So, the DIP diet is very essential to every human being who went lives healthily in his life. Dr. BRC says that if a person follows this DIP diet then he will be fit for a lifetime and his life will be younger for a long time.

What is DIP Diet?

     Dr. BRC divided the DIP diet into three unique parts and times of the day. He also gave a particular time duration for fasting minimum of 12- 14 hours in a day. Normally no one has been taking their food in regular and within a fixed time every day. To avoid this type of irregular food consumption,  Dr. BRC has launched this DIP diet.

    Three parts of Dr. Biswaroop Roy Choudhury`s DIP Diet are as given below –

Breakfast of the DIP diet:

Time of food intake -- By 12 O’clock ( no fixed time)

Nos of plate -- 01 plate only

Type of food -- Only fruits, but it may be 3-5 types of fruit.

Eg. Apple, Banana, Papaya, Pear, grapes, Pomegranate, Mango, etc

Amount of food – Your body weight X 10gms= .... gms.

Eg. If your weight is 75kg, then you have to intake not less than 75x10gms =750gms of fruits.

Launch of DIP diet:

Time of food intake: Between 12 Noon to 2PM

Nos of plate: 02 plates.

Type of food: There are two plates of food at launch, Plate-I, and Plate-II. Always we have to take first plate-I and then plate-II by the by.

Plate-I Only Chalet of raw vegetable but it may be 3-5 types of vegetable

Eg. Carrot beat, Cucumber, onion, etc

Plate-II- It may be Rice or chapatti as you wish. But mind it, it should be home-cooked with minimum oil, spices, and salt.

Amount of food – Your body weight X 5gms = …..gms

Eg. If your body weight is 85kg, then you have to intake not less than 85x5gms =425gms of vegetable 

Dinner of DIP diet:

Dinner is as same as the launch diet but minds it, it should take before 7pm.   

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